Institute grants, Studentships, Scholarships, stipends, Medals, Prizes, Loans etc., to help and encourage deserving students and to provide monetary aid to students, scholars, Teachers etc., for pursuing their eductation, advancement etc.,
Establish, maintain, develop and donate for the establishment, maintenance and development of book banks, reading rooms and libraries.
Organize, conduct and assist in organizing and conducting lectures, seminars and symposiums on art, culture, science, commerce and other subjects of general academic interest to students.
Provide relief by giving grants in cash or in kind in times of natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, famines, cyclones etc.,
Assist and provide the public in general by constructing community halls, rest houses for performing marriages and for conducting meeting, lectures, conferences, seminars etc., and all the sections of the public will have access to the same.
Establish,, maintain, run, develop, improve, extend, grant, donate from and to aid in the establishment, maintenance, running, development, improvements, research units, blood banks, drug banks and similar institutions affording treatment, cure rest, recuperation and other medical relief to the public including relief and aid to the physically handicapped the aged and the mentally retarded.
Organize run or assist in organizing and running of free medical camps. to establish and maintain old age homes, orphanages, handicapped children homes and vocational training schools for handicapped mentally retarded persons.
Aid and assist by way of donations for the renovation or repairs of temples or any places of worship.
To do all other acts for the advancements and achievement of any other objects of general public utility.